Feel Good, Dress Better

Feel Good, Dress Better is a virtual styling service for people of all genders, body types, ages, and relationships with style + clothing.


Could your relationship with your closet use a little therapy?

I want to help you heal those wounds and breathe new life into how you approach getting dressed. By aligning your life + identity with your style, choosing an outfit becomes an extension of your self-expression that’s totally within your control.

Your personal style is an intersection of all the parts of who you are. Wearing clothes you love shouldn’t have to wait until anything. You deserve a closet filled with clothes that meet you where you are and that serve the body you have, your gender experience, and the life you’re getting dressed for.

Let’s find the root of who you are today and get your closet up to speed.



LEARN How Your Clothes Can

Help You Show Up

“I don’t think of myself as someone who cares much about “fashion,” but the way you talk about clothes and identity and how we show up and feel about ourselves and how all that evolves over time just resonates SO MUCH and makes so much sense and I’m so thankful to you for introducing me to those ideas!”

- Anna, E-Course Student



Meet the stylist

Hey, I’m Nic

I believe in the power of the right outfit. When we get dressed each day, we’re clothing ourselves in the armor we need to succeed. To make shit happen. To fall in love. To book the client or get the raise. To be seen and validated by our peers. To feel confident in our own skin. To express ourselves.

I know that clothes aren’t easy for everyone. The retail industry does everything in its power to make fashion exclusive to a select few, but I believe that style should be for everyone. I want to make buying clothes, building a closet, and getting dressed as approachable, accessible, and inclusive as possible.


enough about me — let’s talk about how i can help you


Feel Good, Dress Better 101:

Discovering Your Personal Style


Deepen your relationship with your clothes by getting in touch with your intuition and aligning your closet with your identity + lifestyle. Ready to take your style into your own hands?


  • You have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear

  • You don't know why you buy the clothes you own

  • You recognize a disconnect between your clothes and the way you want to show up in the world

  • You don't feel like you have a personal style

  • You've ever dreamed of having a therapist for your closet

  • You’re interested in tapping into your intuition to help you get dressed and put together outfits that feel like you — no matter where you’re going



wearing clothes you like really matters

“I'm a big believer in expressing one's self through clothing. The lack of inspiration in my wardrobe tends to bleed into my overall mood. I already know this is going to be a huge confidence boost for me at a time when it really counts. I'm elated to finally have the looks I need to put my best foot forward on this new chapter. Seriously, I can't thank you enough!!”

- Mairéad, Curated Shopping List client


Something new around here


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