Meet the Stylist


Hey! I’m Nic.

I’m a queer stylist + content creator based in Austin, TX. I started a fashion blog in college to write about the intersections between style, mental health, and body image. In 2018, I published a 90-page workbook called Feel Good, Dress Better because I wanted to help people do exactly that. Through my workbook (now e-course!), virtual personal shopping service, and Instagram, I have spent the last several years guiding folks through creating deeper relationships to their style + clothing.

I believe in the power of the right outfit. When we get dressed each day, we’re clothing ourselves in the armor we need to succeed. To make shit happen. To fall in love. To book the client or get the raise. To be seen and validated by our peers. To feel confident in our own skin. To express ourselves.

I know that clothes aren’t easy for everyone. The retail industry does everything in its power to make fashion exclusive to a select few, but I believe that style should be for everyone. I want to make buying clothes, building a closet, and getting dressed as approachable, accessible, and inclusive as possible.

My personal goal isn’t to be the best dressed person in the room, but to be the person most comfortable in their clothes – and I want the same for you! Whether you’re dressing for an interview, a first date, a special occasion, or a regular ole Tuesday, I want you to be able to walk into your closet on any given day and put together an outfit that serves you and makes you feel exactly how you need to feel to succeed.

I believe in making smarter purchases that lead to a more sustainable closet. I believe in getting rid of what isn’t working anymore. I believe in dressing for the body + lifestyle you have TODAY – not someday. I believe there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to fashion.

I believe that everyone has personal style – including YOU – so let’s find it!
